Together on a green journey to a cleaner future
Our goal is to use natural resources responsibly and ensure a continuous reduction in emissions.
The group’s action plan includes ceasing electricity production from oil shale by 2035 and transitioning to electricity production solely from renewable sources.
We will no longer produce liquid fuels from oil shale after 2040, by which time the newer pyrolysis plants will have been completely redesigned for the production of raw materials for the chemical industry.
By 2045, all our energy production will be carbon neutral. This means the group will have no net emissions of greenhouse gases. The impact of any greenhouse gases generated during production will be offset by removing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere.

Our green journey is based on four pillars
Providing customers with comprehensive energy solutions that are useful and reduce environmental impact.
Building solar parks, onshore and offshore wind farms, and developing storage systems.
Discontinuing electricity production from oil shale and switching from liquid fuel production to a chemical industry based on a circular economy.
Developing of Estonia’s electrical network and increasing its capacity to create new opportunities for renewable energy producers to connect.
We contribute to meeting the climate objectives
As Estonia’s largest infrastructure company, we recognise our responsibility to future generations and incorporate Estonia’s fair contribution to achieving climate goals into our strategic plans.
We have created a carbon neutrality roadmap aimed at meeting the targets for reducing anthropogenic greenhouse gases as stipulated by the Paris Agreement.
We aim to reduce our climate impact by lowering the net emissions of greenhouse gases and decreasing the greenhouse gas intensity of our energy production.
Achieving climate neutrality is divided into five periods, each with specified interim emission targets and key development directions or actions to achieve them.

CO₂ net zero emissions from 2018 to 2045
The group’s CO₂ emissions have decreased threefold in recent years, from 11.3 million tonnes in 2018 to 3.7 million tonnes in 2023.

The group’s CO₂ intensity of energy production from 2018 to 2045
The CO₂ emissions from electricity production already meet the owner’s expectations set for 2030.
Emissions from oil production will temporarily increase with the commencement of Enefit 280-2 production at the end of 2024, but will decrease by 2035 at the latest with the closure of the oldest oil plant.

Cooperation with research institutions
We work with various research institutions to reduce our environmental footprint and promote the circular economy.
For example, in partnership with researchers from TalTech, we are exploring possibilities for capturing CO₂ from flue-gas generated during shale oil production. We are considering collaboration opportunities with researchers from both TalTech and the University of Tartu in the field of CO₂ valorisation into products.
To promote the circular economy, we work with the Oil Shale Competence Centre at TalTech Virumaa College to develop for co-pyrolysis technology for waste plastic and oil shale, as well as shredded scrap tyres and oil shale.
To identify the properties and reuse possibilities of oil shale ash, we have cooperated with TalTech, the University of Tartu and the Estonian University of Life Sciences.

Environmental management
Environmental policy is one of the foundations of our organisation’s sustainability and serves as a strategic guide in our decisions across the entire value chain.
The quantities of emissions generated during production must not exceed the limit values set in environmental protection permits. To prevent any risks, we regularly monitor surface and groundwater as well as ambient air.